365 Days of Professionally Crafted,

Copy-And-Paste Content Now

Available for Your Emails, Social

Media Posts, Blogs and More!


like many other Insurance Agents, are seeing a HUGE influx of business now that this crisis has so many people at home with more time on their hands.

There's an "easy" (I hate that word) way to get even more people reaching out to you - high quality content that grabs their attention, makes them curious and spurs them to action!

You can use this content...

  1. In your email newsletter (you can adapt, tweak and alter for your own email or even email followup sequences)

  2. ​As social media posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Etc.

  3. ​On your website as a blog

  4. ​With your direct mail outreach

My name is Alex Branning, I'm a marketer that's been working with insurance agents for the past six years. I have made my entire collection of content available for sale for a limited time.

I know how to write content that gets your audience engaged and taking action. Right now is the time for you to email your list, level up your social media content, and start that blog!

You may be asking...

why should I get copy-and-paste content?

It's quite simple - you make a lot more money sending your list emails that are proven to work. Why bother writing content from scratch for your Facebook Page or LinkedIn profile, when you can grab this content pack and save yourself hours of headache and hassle?

When you buy this collection, you're not starting from scratch, you have YEARS worth of content in this collection and it's in your hands instantly upon purchase.

365 DAYS worth of content instantly in your hands.

I am a man of my word and believe in providing exceptional value for the price you pay, so if you feel like this collection isn't worth the few dollars I'm charging for it then you let me know and I will refund your money... AND you can keep my collection of content to use.

You don't just get my collection of professionally crafted content that I've produced, I am also going to include links to my favorite resources to help you get started...

AND I'm going to invite you to a call

so that I can help you fill your calendar with appointments.

🛡️Money Back Guarantee,

Keep ALL My Content

LET ME GUESS... You’ve committed to “getting visible” and marketing your business… Only to STARE at the empty screen for minutes (that feel like hours) when it’s time to post.

Besides - when you actually think of something to post - you get absolute CRICKETS. There’s gotta be a better way!

Not to mention, loud marketers are constantly barking “JUST DO IT!” “Post your face off” - but they don’t understand you or your struggles.

I have some great news for you - there IS a better way...

And you can bet your bottom dollar I’m sharing it with you today.

If you use the same kind of content

most insurance agents do,

you're just another voice in the crowd.

But here’s the thing... you don’t have to rack your brain and test your creativity HOPING to come up with a winner.

It’s much easier to simply “model” previous success. And that's where this resource comes in handy.

You’ll love the ideas you will get (and can legally steal from me) here…

365 DAYS worth of content instantly in your hands.

What's inside the

Content Library?


Insurance Post


Auto Insurance Posts


Retirement Planning Posts


Pet Insurance Posts

Plus 10 Award Winning Insurance Posts, including:

  • How Having Not Enough or Too Much Insurance Hurts You

  • How Insurance Companies Assess Risk

  • ​How Much Insurance Do You Really Need

  • ​How to Know If Your Homeowner's Insurance Is Up to Date

  • ​Insurance Buying Mistakes to Avoid

  • ​Tips for Lowering Your Homeowner's Insurance Premiums

  • ​Weighing the Pros and Cons of Lower Insurance Deductibles

  • ​What Is Supplemental Insurance

  • ​What Long-Term Care Insurance Really Buys You

  • ​Who Really Needs Personal Insurance Coverage


Check Out Our










PLUS, we are going to give you access to our collection of social media content we created for insurance agents over the years. This is literally years and years of content that you get instant access to!


Sitting down to the computer - only this time, you know EXACTLY what to post to connect deeply with your audience. It takes just a couple moments to write the post. You hit publish - and you sit back and watch as the likes and comments come in.

Plus - these posts are designed (and tested) to build rapport - to increase inbound leads for sales with every single post!

Now THAT is what I’m talking about. That is why I love social media - and you can too.

What Will It Mean For Your Business, When It Works?

What if it meant your posts finally got engagement - no more embarrassing crickets?

What if it meant you could generate inbound leads on auto-pilot?

What if it meant your dream customers got to know you - truly - so they were stoked about hopping on a call?

If this sounds like what you need, I want to invite you to get my Content Pack right now - which won’t be available at this price for long… I’ve put this incredible bundle together just for people like you, because I know what works and I've been doing it for years.

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